at Crufts 2007 |
24.12.2007 New pictures of Retku-Laku -babies at the 3 weeks of age !
Retku - Laku -babies are finally in the net. Info
page that now only contains pedigree, and pictures of
the babies at 7 days.
Retkun ja Lakun pennut vihdoin netissa! Infosivu
jossa toistaiseksi vain sukutaulu, ja kuvat pennuista 7
päivän ikaisina.
Helsinki international Winner 2007 was held today as the last and biggest show
in Finland this year. This year Rommi
won everything at his very first official show ! Rommi won FinJW-07,
FinW-07, dog CC, best dog and Best of Breed at
the age of 11 months ! Pop won Junior Winner -07 -title,
bitch CC and third best bitch. Gia won reserve CC in
bitches, and
our breeders group (Pop, Karkki, Fani
& Riffi) was Best Breeders Group in Breed.
Tonight Retku got 8 beautiful babies to Laku ! 4 boys and 4 girls, wherefrom 2
girls were blue and all the others are black.
Retku sai tanaan illalla kolmessa tunnissa 8 kaunista pentua, joiden isana
on Laku. 4 poikaa ja 4 tyttoa, joista 2 tyttoa oli
sinisia ja kuusi mustia pentuja. Kaikki pennut ovat vahvoja ja osaavat syöda
itse. Lisätietoja litters -sivuilta.
Jyka competed in class 2 obedience and got 1st price.
With this prize he got title TK2 which equals CDX. Way to go Elina
and Jyka !!!!
Cruise has got his 3rd CC at West of England Border Collie Club Championship
Show. That will make him GB Sh Ch
Pikkupaimenen Great Pretender ie our very first GB Sh Ch which makes us very
very proud.
At Jyvaskyla international there were 50 entries, and our dogs had very nice
results. Ruska was Best of Breed with
CACIB, Fani 2nd best bitch with res-CACIB, Mike 3rd best dog and
Laku 4th best
dog, and out breeders group was Best
Breeders Group in Breed ! What made me also especially happy was, that out of 9
junior bitches our just 9-month-old
girls in their first official shows were placed 1st, Pop,
2nd, Veera and 3rd, Keira, all with excellents.
Also with junior
dogs a beautiful Otto-son won and only just 9-month-old Humppa
at his first official class was second both with
17.11.2007 I have finally arrived home !!!! It was tough 3 weeks, but wonderful to meet so many of you, my friends !!!
At Baltic Winner show Fani got LV CC, CACIB and Baltic
Winner -07 -title. Also our team did great job by winning
2nd Best Breeders Group in Show. Thank You, Fani, Hippu
& Pop by doing such a great job by winnint in the team
4.11.2007 Jarre passed character test with flying colours, no minus points, final points are +185 and secure to shots.
Hi all my friends. I will be spending next 3 weeks at the hospital in Helsinki,
and I will hopefully return on Friday 16th
of November back home. I hope to meet as many friends who live in Southern
Finland as possible while in Helsinki,
and I hope to hear all the messages of all the trials and other events by text
message while I am over there.
Hope to hear from all of you again when I am back home !
Chase competed in class 1 agility and won her class with
clear round !!!!! Excellent result Tuuli & Chase !!!
In Lahti international Elke won Best of Breed.
Tuisku got her third leg in class
1 obedience and gained now title TK1 which is
equal to CD in many countries.
Eero attended class 1
agility trial and got only one fault in both agility and jumping.
Well done, Riikka & Tuisku, well done Anne & Eero !!
Player gained his ADCH
title today !!! (ADCH is Agility Dog Champion). Hooray, Joan and Player !!
Saku attended class 3 search
trials and gained title HK3 - once again !
Ruska attended class 2
search and gained title HK2 in her first trial.
Well done, both Saku and Ruska !!
Otto got third leg in class
2 obedience and finished title TK2 which equals
title CDX in many countries.
Remy attended his first trial in class
1 obedience, and gained first prize. He is now allowed to compete in class
Otto gained his second leg towards Finnish Working Trial
Championship today in class 3 tracking. He got first and gained
title JK3. Now just waiting for next year and the last leg for the champion
title !! Well done, Arja & Otto !!!
Eddy got first prize in class 2 obedience, and as this
was hid third in this class, he gained title TK2 !! Now up tp class 3 !
Nero attended BH test today, and passed it, and gained
title BH and permission to compete in working trials ! Good boyz !
Hippu competed in class 2 search today. She got title
HK2 and permission to compete in class 3 search !!!
Nasta attended class 1 herding trial that was organized
along with Finnish Championships. Nasta was placed 3rd in her class !!!
Remy passed BH test today with flying colours, and is now
allowed to compete in working trials !
Otto and Eddy competed in class 2
obedience today, and both gained first prize there, Otto also won the class of 9
At Oulu international all breeds championchip show Ruska
won Best of Breed with CACIB, Jyka was Best of Best of
Sex with Dog CC and CACIB, Nasta got Best Veteran in
Breed and baby Humppa was Best Puppy in Breed at his
very first
show. Our breeders group was also Best one in Breed !
5.10.2007 Retku was succesfully mated to Laku today for the second time ! More information can be found at litters page !
3.10.2007 Retku was mated to Laku for the first time. Everything went naturally and well.
Tuisku,, Isa and Eero
competed in class 1 obedience, but despite rather good work today, they all did
get second prize.
Not far from first prize though. Elke got first prize in class 4 obedience, and
he was second in Central Finlands District
Championchips !!!
Remy passed character test
with +150 points and was secure to shots. This result also qualified him to Finnish
Champion !
Eero gained first prize in class 1 obedience !
Tuisku got first prize in class 1 obedience ! Well done
Riikka and Tuisku after such a long maternity leave !!!
Tootsie got clear round in class 3 agility and was
placed 4th out of 35 competitors. This was team Tootsie & Janne´s 5th
clear round towards Finnish Nationals 2008 !!!
Laku got title JK3 in class 3 tracking. Good on you,
Saija and Laku !!!
Micky got first prize in class 4 obedience today and was
3rd best in the district championships.
Jippo had accepted BH test today.
Elli was Best of Breed with CC and CACIB and Valo
was Best Puppy in Breed in Eckerö international today.
Mette celebrates her 15th birthday today in equally good
condition as her mother did some years ago. Have a happy,
long life Mette along with Ella and your own progeny, grandprogeny,
grandgrandprogeny etc that you have left here to
our enjoyment. You are one of a kind - I hope Ella and the rest of us can keep
you still for a long time as our enjoyment.
Pictures of Tuisku-Flynn -babies at 6 weeks !!!
Little Mette arrived from Germany to Finland !
Wonderful news from Denmark today ! Whizz, who is 11,5-years-old now, had won
the title Copenhagen Winner -07 and
was 3rd Best Veteran in Show ! And according to several who saw her there, she
did look like young girl in the ring.
Another piece of news that did not reach me when it happened in the end of
July. Whizz started a new sport this year,
Rally Obedience. and in July she got third leg and title RD in it ! Way to
go, Johanna & Whizz ! You certainly follow Cola´s
paw prints and only get better with age !
At Hyvinkaa championship show Fani was best bitch and
Best of Opposite Sex and Elli was 2nd best bitch with CC
Otto trialled in class 3 tracking and gained title JK3
with first prize !!!! This is the first leg towards Working Trial Championchip !
Well done, Arja & Otto, we will keep our fingers crossed for a new dual
champion next year !
Rommi was shown for the first time today at the
puppy show in Helsinki with result Best Puppy in Breed.
New pictures of Tuisku -babies at 5 weeks of age !
New pictures of Elli, Hukka, Jane,
Neppu, Sinna, and Supo.
9.9.2007 Eddy got firs prize at class 2 obediece !. That´s the way to go !
Micky become our new Obedience Trial Champion
at the age of 3 years !! Congratulations Petra & Micky, we are so
proud of you two !!!
"Windy gets better like wine with age", she
got silver in Central
Finland´s District Championchips at 12 years of age !
Well done, Mimmu and Windy !!
Retku got first leg towards
her Finnish Agility Championship in Oulu today under 3 years of age
! Way to go, Miia
and Retku !!
Saku trialled in class 3 search and got title HK3 with
second prize and very good points.
27.8.2007 New baby pictures !! of Tuisku-Flynn offspring at 3 weeks.
Juuso won CACIB and was Best of Opposite Sex at
Tervakoski international all breeds championship dog show.
New pictures of Koda.
22.8.2007 New pictures of Tuisku-Flynn -babies at 2 weeks !!
19.8.2007 At Heinola all breeds championship show Remy was Best of Breed and Cina Best Veteran in Breed !
Oulu agility trials in class maxi 1 agility Neppu was
first and Eero second both with clear round ! With this
result Neppu
was transferred up to class 2. In the next trial Taiga
also got clear round, was placed 2nd and was transferred up to
class 2 !! Well done, all of you !!!
At Kouvola all breeds all breeds championship show Cina
was Best of Breed and Best Veteran of Breed !.
New pictures of Tuisku-babies, now taken at 1 week
of age. This is a direct link, but you can find a link also from litters
Elli won bitch CC and Best of Breed today at Helsinki
Championship show !
Ruska won CACIB and Best of Breed, and Gia
was 2nd best bitch with CC at Joensuu international Championship show.
Well done, girls ! >
Otto competed in class 3 tracking, and gained title JK3
in his first try in this class !!!
Ronja trialed in class 4 obedience and got first prize !
ow she has got first leg out of three towards her Obedience
trial Championship !
Jyka had his first trial in class 2 obedience and he got
first prize. Now he is allowed to compete in class 3 !
Excellent job all of you , Arja & Otto, Tuire & Ronja, Elina & Jyka
! Keep on going !!!
At Joensuu all breeds championship show Ruska was Best
of Breed with her last and qualifying CC that made her
Finnish Champion wih title HK1. Best of Opposite Sex was Jesse
who got his second CC, so one more to go !!!
6.8.2007 Tuisku´s and Flynn´s babies are born !!!! First pictures can be seen at their litter info page.
Tootsie got clear round in class 3 jumping, and was
placed 8th out of 58 competitors !
Jade got her third clear round in class 1 agility and won
her class today ! This means she was transferred to class
two today !! Excellent job, Hanna and Jade !
At Turku all breeds championship show Skippy was Best
of Breed, Riffi was 2nd best bitch with bitch CC and 3rd
best bitch was Sinna with res-CC.
Ruska started trialing in search and gained title HK1 in
their first trial ! Excellent job !!
Taku competed in herding class 1, and was placed 3rd out
of 12 entries with 75 points (out of 100 maximum).
Retku did an excellent clear round in class 3 agility
being 2nd out of 24 entries.
Supo competed in olass 4 obedience, and they got their
second leg towards their Obedience Trial Championship !
They received these points by winning their class too, so it was a really nice
win ! Congratulations, Outi and Supo
Happy Birthday to Tuisku´s first litter to Coh: Ruska, Touho,
Jarre, Nero and Cruise.
You are already 2 years old now !!
Hippu attended search trial and gained title HK1 ! Well
done, Minna and Hippu !!!!
Jyka trialled for the first time in class 1 obedience,
and gained 1st prize with excellent points with Elina !!!
Soko excelled in class 1 agility by gaining clear round
and second place with Tarja after two years break !
Muhos Ch Show: Ruska was Best of Breed, Best in Group 1
and 2nd Best in Show !!!! 2nd best bitch was Retku,
3rd best bitch with res-CC Gia, 4th best bitch and Best
Veteran in Breed Nasta. 2nd best dog was Otto.
We also
got Best Breeders Group in Breed with excellent critique.
18.7.2007 Otto competed in class 2 obedience and got first prize there with his first try. Well done, Arja and Otto !
Happy Birthday to 12-year-old kids of Toti and Sami, Jesse,
Osku, Hertta, Tellu,
Saara and Daro, who passed
away little while ago..
Tootsie did something wonderful and gained two
wins with clear round in class 3 agility in Kokkola today !!!
Tootsie will need a show result, and she is a Finnish Agility Champion, so now
just entry form in to finish her.
Also Essi the Sheltie got her first leg towards
agility championship in class 3 agility in Maaninka today by
winning her class by clear round. Two more to go. Excellent job, Tootsie &
Janne and Essi & Katri !
Cruise won his 2nd CC in Great Britain under Mrs
P Wilkinson at National
Working & Pastoral Breeds 2007 Show.
At Finnish Border Collie National Specialty 2007 Tico
repeated his 5-year-old Best in Show win. Congratulations !!
Skippy was 2nd best bitch with her crowning CC, so she
become Finnish Champion ! Our boys become Best
Breeders Group in Show, Karkki was Best puppy in Breed,
Gia Best Junior in Breed, Pyry Best
Veteran in Breed.
Full results
(tulokset) can be found at our Border Collie & Australian Kelpie Clubs
page.and later here at my page.
Thank you all of you,! You have been doing wonderful job !!!
In Finnish National Obedience Team Championships Micky
gained very good second prize and a place for tomorrows
personal National Championship 2007 competition. Elke
gained the place too within the top twenty, who were chosen
of personal championship 2007 in class 4 obedience. Ruska
won first prize in class 2 obedience. This was third and
qualifying lrg for Ruska for title LP2 which equals CDX..
Spooky gained her 3rd and qualifying CC and is now Finnish
Champion and Finnish Obedience Trial Champion,
at the tender age of 10½ years our 11th Dual Champion.
We are very proud of you two, Spooky and Jenni.
Spooky, Elli, Remy,
Nero and Rasmus attended Tuusula
all breeds show, and did very well.
At Rovaniemi international show our team did very
well. Best of Breed and Best of Opposite. Well done !
Ruska was BOB gaining her 10th CC and Otto
16.6.2007 Hämeenlinna all breeds championship show. Both oldest ones (Spooky) as well as the youngest (Taika) did well there.
Neppu trialed at class 4
obedience and got her 3rd first and qualifying prize for Finnish
Obedience Championship !!!!
She became also Dual Champion as she was already
Finnish Conformation Champion. Well Done Tiina & Neppu !!!
Pixi and Panda were shown at Vehmaa
Championship Show today. They took everything two boys can take.
Tuisku, Gia, Nears
and Jarre did also well at Jamsankoski
all breeds Ch show today.
9.6.2007 Ruska gained BH title.
Neppu trialled at class 4 obedience
and gained first prize, her second leg towards Finnish Obedience Championchip
Way to go, Tiina and Neppu !!!
Tuisku passed BH test today
in Vaajakoski. Well done, Riikka & Tuisku !
At Tuuri Championship show Jyka
gained his first CC with Best of Breed and Ruska got her
9th CC with Best of Opposite Sex.
Also our Breeders Group was Best Group in Breed. Well done Jyka & Elina,
Ruska & Katja, Otto & Arja and Niila
& Riikka !
Neppu passed character test
today and gained her championship title !!!
Jippo and Micky were also character
tested in Kajaani today.
Tuisku gained first prize in class
1 obedience with 186 points and was placed 3rd out of 10
Well done Riikka & Tuisku !
Happy Birthday Nasta and Inka
! It is full 10 years today !!!
At Iisalmi championship show Ruska
won CC and Best of Breed. Congratulations to all of you !!!!
25.5.2007 Birthday Greetings to Flai, Fani, Gimli and Junnu.
Happy Birthday Taika, Zea, Jyka,
Lucky and Sulo on your first
birthday !!!
All but Sulo have new pictures on their web sites.
Niila passed character test
with +174 points and gained her championship at the
same time !!!
Kirke passed also her character
test with +167 points !!
Ronja got CACIB at Helsinki
international Aptus show !
Vaasa international all breeds show. Gia,
Otto, Ruska and Hera excelled today
along with Jyka forming also an outstanding
breeders class.
Ruska did it again ! First time in class 2 obedience, but first prize and first
in her class !
Tootsie did a clear round in class 3 agility and was placed 2nd out of 38
participants !
Excellent job Ruska & Katja and Tootsie & Janne ! We are SO proud of you
Chase was placed 6th at Finnish Championships in Canine Freestyle, and at this
same competition she got prize of honour
which transferred Tuuli and Chase to class 3 as a second team in Finland !!!!
Congratulations !!
At this high quality trial Elke was also placed 14th out of 22
teams at their very first trial.
Pictures of Fani babies
and Willa babies
at 6 weeks.
Riffi was hip and elbow scored today and her knees were examined too. Altogether
her health looks excellent. Her knees
are 0/0, hips looks A/A and elbows 0/0, but we need to wait what the official
Kennel Club vet says in her score. So all we
can do is to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Nero´s hip and elbow x-rays has been sent to Kennel Club for official score.
Inofficial result was hips A/B, elbows 0/0.
Now we just wait for a couple of weeks what is the official guess.
25.3.2007 Retku won maxii 2 jumping in agility
today. Third time clear round with a win within a week. Way to go, Miia and
and good luck to class 3 !
Retku won class 2 agility in Haukipudas with clear round and got her second leg
for getting to class 3. In her second trial
for the day she had one fault, ao all in all an excellent day considering that
she started in class 2 last weekend.
Retku won two trials in class 2 agility today in Keminmaa. One trial was with
one fault, but the other was with clear round,
and that gave them the first leg to get up to class 3 !
Kirke won her second trial in class 2 obedience and won her class of 9 in
Tornio ! Excellent job, Kirke and Heidi !
Ella got clear round in medi 3 agility and was placed 6th out of 27th. This was
their 3rd qualification for Finnish Nationals
this year.
Frodo won class 2 agility with clear round and got his third leg to get up to
class 3. Congratulations, Frodo & Maija !
My own Tuisku
won Best of Breed
at Crufts show ! Number of entries in Border Collies was 480, the biggest
entry of any breeds today! What a fantastic day!
Thank you Miia for taking such wonderful care of Tuisku and grooming her so well
in Crufts and Thank you Heather for
handling her perfectly ! Results
from Crufts. Lots of thanks for the photos Jason. photos © Jason Higgins 2007
Also the parents of little Rommi, who will travel home
with Miia, did really well. Sire Cruise was second in
yerling dog
after res-CC winning dog and dam Diva won graduate
Micky got first prize in class
4 obedience !!
Supo got first prize and won her class in class
3 obedience !! Well done Petra, Well done, Outi, you are SO GOOD !!!
Zak got official result from Finnish Kennel Club from
his from his hip and elbow scores, and like all his
littermates, they
they were best possible, hips A/A and elbows 0/0 ! Congratulations to Sanna
and Zak ! So far all 4 littermates have the
same outstanding result !
Retku gained her championship
at Tuusniemi championship show, which was the second show where it was possible.
Retku gained 6 CCs, 2 CACIB and Nordic Junior title 2005. Well done from our
little red headed girl... Well done Miia !
and Fani-babies
pictured at 2 weeks. There will be still individual pictures of Willa-babies and
group-pictures of Fani-babies to come, but
I hope these is something to enjoy for you ! Thank you Anu Vorobjev & Maria
and Tuula Puputti & Satu for the photos.
Ruska had a perfect day at Tornio today in class 1
obedience where she gained 200points (max 200 points) !
At the same trial Kirke started class 2 obedience with excellent points
173,5 points even with one zero (-20 points).
Excellent job, both girls !
11.2.2007 Tuisku had her first trial in class 1 obedience with her very own young handler Riikka.
10.2.2007 Iitu won trial in class 2 agility and this was their 3rd clear round in class 2, so they were now transferred into class 3 !!!
Also Zak has been to have all his health checks, and his
hips and elbows left as preliminary A/A & 0/0 and hie eyes
were clear of hereditary disease, and his neck and back was also x-rayed and
normal. Now we just wait for the
official results from the Finnish Kennel Club...
5.2.2007 Elli, Rasmus and Pahis got their official hip and elbow scores, all of them with perfect score A/A hips and 0/0 elbows.
3.2.2007 Ruska trialled in class 1 obedience today, and gained first prize and winner of her class and trial in Kuusamo !
2.2.2007 Today at midday both Fani and Willa got their litters at the very same time !
Fantastic obedience trial in Tornio !
Class 1 obedience and winner of her class was
Ruska at her first trial ever with 196 points (max 200
Class 2 obedience and winner of her class was
Neppu with TK2 (=CDX) with
192 points (max 200 points).
Class 3 obedience and winner of his class was
Micky with 259 points (max 320 points) with one
At Turku international all breeds show Otto
was best male and Best of Opposite Sex, our Scottish visitor Logan
2nd best dog and got CC and CACIB (as Otto is already International Champion)
and Skippy was 3rd best bitch with
Elli, Rasmus and Pahis
were hip and elbow scored, knee tested, eye tested and had their neck and back
All three dogs had perfect preliminary scores, and we now just wait the official
results from the Kennel Club...
20.1.2007 Retku got her last missing leg in class 1 agility and is now transferred to class 2 ! Congratulations Miia and Retku !
19.1.2007 The official hip and elbow scores for Touho arrived today from the Finnish Kennel Club !
There was a championship show in Lahti today. Jarre
was Best of Breed, Flai Best of Opposite Sex with CC
which made
her Finnish Champion. Nero was 3rd best male and Onni
Best Veteran in Breed. Well done.
Team Pikkupaimenen Shelties Essi and Ella
have started year 2007 with style ! In Eckero Ella got clear round in
medi 3
jumping, her first clear round in class 3. In the same trial Essi got two
clear rounds in mini 3 agility, her 7th and 8th, so
so she has everything ready for the Nationals (unless our baby plans make some
changes to that..). Excellent job, girls !
Kajaani international show today. Jyka
was Best Puppy in Breed, Saku gained Finnish
Championship and our red
Breeders Group made histody by existing. It was rather even too - more even
than our black and white one would have been.
3.1.2007 Both Fani and Willa are expecting puppies to Logan. We hope the happy occassion to be in the beginning of February.
1.1.2007 Happy New Year to everybody ! ! !
29.12.2006 Zip passed away after short but serious illness.
Merry Christmas to everybody ! Special thanks to all of the owners of
team Pikkupaimenen dogs, you have been just
wonderful with your dogs !
21.12.2006 Sunny passed away today, after long and tiring battle. Good night, sleep tight, we love you always Sunny darling !
Sketch gained today in agility incredible title MACH3.
That is just awsome result that only very few dogs ever reach.
Congratulations Joan and Sketch !
At Stockholm international - Swedish
Winner 2006 -show went also well. Best of Breed,
CACIB and Swedish Winner 2006
was Juuso, res-CACIB, 2nd best dog was Remy
and Best of Opposite Sex, CACIB and Swedish Winner 2006 was Tuisku
Today at Helsinki international - Finnish
Winner 2006 -show "team Pikkupaimenen"
did really well. Both junior titles went
to Tuisku -progeny, dog title Finnish Junior Winner -06 Nero
and bitch title Finnish Junior Winner -06 Ruska, and dog
went to Juuso. Also Best dog and Best bitch
classes went really well, and we also won Best Breeders Class.
Also blood collection was started for DNA research in aim to locate some
diseases occuring in Border Collies, such as
epilepsy, hereditary cataracta, EPI etc. Here we collected blood from healthy
dogs for comparison.
Fani and Willa have both been mated to Logan this week, and we hope to see the
first signs in the beginning of January
if the matings have been successful !
Essi gained 2 clear rounds in class
3 agility and now needs only 2 more to get the ticket to the Finnish
Nationals 2007
unless we will be lucky enough to see a Sheltie litter next year. We will see
that next summer.
Fani and Willa however both
started their seasons week 47 and will be mated next week, so keep following
plans" pages for future information !
Last night Gia arrived from Great Britain to entertain us
and especially Anne and her family. I think we will hear from this
wild cat in the future :-)
Tuisku was Best of Breed with CACIB at Jyväskylä
international today, and 2nd best bitch with CC and res-CACIB was Isa.
3rd best bitch with res-CC was Flai and 4th best bitch Ruska.
One more bitch got excellent, and that was Niila. Best
Opposite Sex was Otto, who got also CACIB. No other males
got excelent.
12.11.2006 Rolli continued in Kemi with one clear round in class 3 agility and clear round from class 3 jumping.
Panda and Chase got clear rounds
in agility class 1 jumping in Turku !!
Rolli gained clear round in class 3 agilinty and won his
class. That was his 2nd leg for agility championship and lot more !
At the same trial with Rolli in Kemi also Retku won
class 1 agility with clear round ! Frodo was 2nd with
clear round also in
class 1. In the second trial Frodo got also clear round, was placed second and
transferred up to class 2 !
In Oulu Leevi, Neppu and Mohko
gained all first prize in their classes in obedience classes !
10.11.2006 New pictures of Hukka.
Taku got first prize in class
3 obedience, and is now competing in the highest class.
Essi got her third clear round in class
3 agility. This was her third leg towards next years agility Nationals,
where they will
be going unless the baby plans will be changing them ;-)
Whizz continues her winning ways in Denmark by winning
Best of Breed & Best Veteran in Breed at Herning
and being placed 3rd at Best Veteran in Show and 4th Best in Group. All that at
the age of 10,5 years !
Cruise also continued his success at Scottish
Border Collie Club´s Championship Show, where he won reserve CC out of
about 180 entries. Also Biba won very strong limit class
of 14 bitches.
Supo won class 3 obedience
with 2nd prize, missing just few points of the first prize.
Chase got 2nd prize in class 2 freestyle and was placed
2nd in tough competition.
In Seinajoki international show we had an excellent
day. Tuisku got CACIB and Best of Breed, and our
visitor Logan got CC,
CACIB and Best of Opposite Sex. In bitches Ruska was
second best with CC and res-CACIB, Fani 3rd and Niila
4th. In dogs
Otto was 2nd with res-CACIB and Saku
4th with res-CC. We also got Best Breeders Group in Breed. Also Elli
and Neppu got
ex with outstanding critiques, so that was a really good day.
Sunny got her third and crowning first prize in class
1 obedience and earned Swedish obedience title LP1. At the same time
they won the class of 22 dogs. Congratulations Cattlin and Sunny !
Taku competed in herding
for the first time and got 60 points out of 100 possible ! Well done ! We all
are eager to hear from
your progress in the future !!!
24.10.2006 Tara got her hip and elbow results today ! And what results did she get !
Chase passed her character test
with excellent result today !
Finally all results updated. Thank you to all of you for your activity !
I have returned from Helsinki. There has been plenty of updates, so I will do
them in daily order and hope to catch up soon.
I hope you will excuse any delays - but you have been so busy doing results to
update ;-)
Hippu got first prize in class
1 obedience and gained title TK1 at the same
trial where her daughter Neppu won class
2 also
with first prize ! To make the day perfect for Hippu and her litter also Mohko,
another Hippu-son gained also first prize in
class 1 obedience.
Elmo passed the character test
18.10.2006 Cruise got his official hip score !
Ronja had her first trial in search
class 1, and gained title HK1 !!! Well done,
Excellent result, Tuire and Ronja !!!
Ella the Sheltie got her third and last clear round from class
2 agility and got got transferred up to class 3 !
Essi got also clear round in class
3 agility. Well done, Katri, Ella and Essi !!!
Cina returned to the ring after 7 years break and got
first prize in class 1 obedience gaining
title TK1 at the same time.
Niila competed in class 2
obedience, and got also first prize in there and can now continue in class
Sunny also competed in class
1 obedience and won class of 30 entries !!
Iitu excelled again in class
2 agility with clear round, and will only need one more to get up to class
Jade passed character test
with flying colours and as she already had all her show results waiting, she
became now also
Finnish Champion !
Congratulations to all of you !
I will leave for Helsinki this morning and will stay there at Orton hospital. I
will be back home 20th of October.
No updates before that.
Mikki won class 2
obedience in Joensuu today with Reijo, and Jouko
gained almost first prize in class 1 obedience
his new young handler who gained his excellent clear round in class 2 agility
Bono has got his official hip and
elbow results, A/A and 0/0 !! The whole litter - again - has normal hips and
elbows !
Rolli gained clear round and won his class
3 in agility today. This was first of three legs towards his Agility
Championship !
Jouko got clear round in class
2 agility and won his class and that was his last leg towards class three!
Meghann had her first four starts in official dog
dancing competitions with excellent results !!!
At Oulu international conformation show Zak
was Best Puppy in Breed, Koda Best of Breed, Toto
2nd best dog, Elke 3rd
best dog, Mike-son Totti 4th best dog with CC and Saku
got res-CC, Best of Opposite Sex was Neppu, 2nd best
bitch was
Ruska. We did not have any more dogs to be placed, so
only other placement was Best Breeders Group in Breed. So we
had pretty excellent day both in the agility field as well as in the show ring !
So much has happened today.
Otto got first prize in class 2 tracking trial today
and gained title JK2 !!!
Saku got title in class 1 " trial" EK1
in his first try in that trial form !
Eddy got third time first prize in class 1 obedience
and gained title TK1 !
In district championchips of Central Finland Elke was
second with second prize, and their team where also belonged
Flai, who gained first prize in class 2
obedience, as
team gained silver.
30.9.2006 Eddy got first prize in class 1 obedience !
Team Pikkupaimenen Shelties excelled in agility this weekend !
Essi got clear round in class 3
jumping, and was placed
8th. This was her first qualification for Finnish Nationals !
Ella got clear round in class 2 and was placed 2nd,and she will need one more
to get up to class 3.
Way to go, Katri and girls !!!
Jimmy and his team won search and rescue team
nationals in Tikkakoski.
There was critique of the show where Cruise got his
first CC in Great Britain published at Our Dogs magazine. It was so
special I must copy it here. It is, however, our first ever British CC !
Scottish Kennel Club 2006 Sheena Kilsby:
"1. Turner and Solanti’s, Pikkupaimenen Great Pretender at Locheil (Imp).
13 month black and white, this young man caught
my eye as soon as he entered the ring. Handsome and full of ring presence,
excellent head, ears and expression, lovely neck
set on correctly angled shoulders, correct length of back flowing into a lovely
angled croup and turn of stifle. Sound coming
and going, his sidegait took my breath away, this is how a Border Collie should
move. He is a star in the making and I was
pleased to award him his 1st CC."
Essi got her qualifying
first price in obedience class 1 for title TK1 !!
Elli was shown in Eckero int and
was Best Puppy in Breed !
Mette celebrates her 14th birthday
today !!!! Congratulations Mette, our Grand Old Lady !!!
New pictures of Zip.
Iitu had two starts in class
2 agility. Clear round in both starts, and she was placed 2nd and 4th in her
class of 27 !
Well done Nina and Iitu !!!
Retku passed her character test
today !
Pixi got first prize in class
2 obedience with excellent score, won the class and can continue in class 3
from now on !
Sinna got also first prize in class
2 obedience, and can now use title TK2 as it was her third !
Toto excelled in agility
and won class 1 with clear round. Rolli got clear round
in class 3 jumping and was placed 8th.
At Hyvinkaa Ch show Hukka won
Best Puppy in Breed, Onni was Best of Breed, Best Veteran
in Breed and 3rd Best
Veteran in Show, Zip was Best of Opposite Sex and
got CC and Ronja was 2nd best bitch and got res-CC.
Another incredible weekend ! Well done, all of you !!
Flai got first prize at obedience
class 2, and was transferred up to class 3 with excellent points.
Whizz won Best of Breed, Best Veteran in Breed AND 3rd
Best Veteran in Show at Copenhagen Winner Show 2006
at 10 years of age !! She certainly is following her mothers paw prints, and to
those of you who knew Cola, have a look
at the new picture at Whizzes page, taken today.
15.9.2006 New pictures of our Scottish visitor Logan ! Thank you Lea and Anu !!!
Laku got title JK2 at class
2 tracking trial where he had field trial yesterday and obedience part
today. After two years break
that was really well done, so up to class 3 next year, Saija & Laku? We are
really proud of you !!!
Congratulations to Windy, Tuike
and Epsa, who celebrates their 11th birthday
11.9.2006 Tuisku celebrates her 5th birthday today and congratulates her littermates Jouko, Veikka, Taku and Player !!!
Nasta had her third day of Pohojammaa ouppen, and again,
she was 2nd in class 1 herding. That meant that
she ended up
2nd in the total competition, even though she attended only 3 out of 4 trials.
Pretty well for a hobby herder amongst all
those "true" working dogs !
Roni did an outstanding job in class
1 agility by winning both two trials in Helsinki with clear round today !!
He was also
transferred to class 2 at the same time ! Also Retku did
a nice round with just one fault in class 1 agility.
You really make me so proud with your dogs, all of you !!
Jimmy did it ! He is now triple
champion ! He made it by winning his third first prize at search
trial class 3 and gaining title
Finnish Working Trial Championship. He is now Fin
Wt Ch & Ot Ch & Sh Ch Pikkupaimenen Newshound ! Wonderful !
Nasta trialled again in herding
in Raahe in Pohojammaa ouppen´s second day. Again Nasta and Miia gained 2nd
this time from 11 competitors !!
Elmo won his district championship in obedience by
winnining obedience class 4. This has been an
excellent year for
Elmo, as from his 5 official trials he has won 4 with first price in class 4
Leevi gained also excellent points with first prize in
his district championships in class 4 obedience
and was placed 2nd !!
Juuso got excellent points with first prize in his first
class 2 obedience and was 2nd in large class.
Micky competed for the first time in class
3 obedience, and got good second prize.
Retku got clear round in agility
and won class 1 ! That was a nice start after the numerous rounds with 1
At the same trial in Oulu also Luca gained clear round in
agility and was placed 4th in class 1.
Jojo gained clear round in class
2 agility and was placed 2nd in her class...
At Porvoo all breeds Ch show Hukka
was Best Puppy in Breed and Zip was 2nd best bitch with
Congratulations to Spot, Jedi, Kalli,
Demi and Kiki on their 11th
birthday and Supo, Niila
and Retku on their 2nd birtday
Oh boy you people you are SO WONDERFUL with your dogs !!!! THANK YOU A MILLION
Nasta trialled in herding
at Pohojammaa ouppen and was placed second out of six competitors !! Well done,
Miia and Nasu !
Ronja got first prize in class
3 obedience and won her class ! Good job, Tuire and Ronja !
Elli was Best Puppy in Breed at Helsinki
all breed Ch show ! Well done, Petri, Kirsi and Elli !
Saku got first prize in class
2 search and got title HK2 in Kemi with
excellent points !
Eddy got first prize in obedience
class 1 in Sievi and was second in his class of 15 !
Iitu won class 1 agility
with clear round in Turku and was transferred up to class 2 !
Essi the Sheltie got clear round in class
2 agility and was transferred up to class 3 !
At Tervakoski Ch show Fani was
Best of Breed and Windy Best Veteran of Breed !
Well done, all of you !!! I am SO proud of you !
Willa gained title JK2 in tracking
class 2 tonight in Hameenlinna !!! Well done, Satu and Willa !
Milo got his hip and elbow
results today !
30.8.2006 Our visitor from Scotland, Logan, arrived today.
Cruise won dog CC today
in under breed specialist Sheena Kilsby ! ! For a dog so young this is a
achievement, and I am more than delighted with the results that Tuisku -kids
have achieved so
Kirke got first prize in class 1 obedience
for third time (within a month :-) and gained title TK1
! Congratulations !!!
Roni gained clear round in class 1 agility.
Also Chase had an excellent round with just one fault in
same competition.
At Hämeenlinna international Championship show Onni
was Best of Breed and Fani Best of Opposite Sex out of
two competitors that attended that show.
25.8.2005 Congratulations to 10-year-old W-kids Fia, Wilma, Wanda, Issi and Robi !!!
23.8.2006 New pictures of Elli, Hukka, Rasmus and Pahis.
I heard a message, that Whizz had won the Danish
Border Collie Club show with about 60 Border Collie entries.
She had been both Best of Breed and Best Veteran in Breed ! Well done, old girl,
you really remind your mum,
only getting better with age ! Congratulations, Whizz and Johanna, and whole
team Denmark !
Tuisku, Flai, Skippy
and Laku all passed their character
tests today, and Tuisku gained her Finnish
Elmo gained first prize in class
4 obedience and won his class !!!! Niila got third
prize in class
2 obedience.
A week ago Mohko started his obedience
career with excellent first prize in class 1 !
Neppu got clear round in agility
class 1 and won her class !
Micky passed his BH test
today !
What a day !!!!!
Kirke got excellent points in class
1 obedience today !!!!
Cina won Best of Breed and Best Veteran of Breed today
at Kouvola all breeds Championship show today
17.8.2006 New picture of Nasta as well as some changes at her page.
16.8.2006 New health results for Ruska, Essi the Sheltie and Pixi !
Elmo won class 4 obedience
with excellent points 303 today ! Well done, Anne and Elmo !!!!
Essi got first prize in obedience
class 1 with points 174 and was second in her class. Well, Katri and Essi !
Jimmy gained his second leg towards his Working Trial
Championship today by winning first prize in class 3
search ! Only
one more to go ! We are so proud of you, Johanna and Jimmy !
At Kuopio international Juuso
continued his winning ways by being best male with CACIB and Koda
won his last CC. Remy
won res-CC and we won best Breeders Group in Breed.
Mikki won first prize in tracking
trial in Parnavaara and was third in district championchips being beaten
just by one point
by the shared winners. Reijo and Mikki, you have been such ambassador for our
healthy working Border Collies !!
Thank you for all that. Good Luck to Finnish Championships!
Rasmus, Pahis, Elli
and Hukka had a wonderful day at their very
first puppy show, winning practically everything: Best of
Breed, 2nd best dog, 2nd best bitch, 2nd Best Brace in Show and 2nd Best
Breeders Group in Show ! You guys make
me so proud you know ! After training every week so hard all sorts of
performance activities, and now one night surprising
me by training show behaviour and behaving all so well !
At Kuopio International our boys did "clean the
table", Juuso, Toto, Remy
and Koda got CACIB, res-CACIB, CC and res-CC
and placements from 1-4 in best dog class. They also won the Breeders Class.
New pictures of Retku and Eddy.
First day of a three day all breed championship show in
Kuopio. Congratulations to Best of Breed -winner Juuso
CC-winner Remy.
2.8.2006 Ella the Sheltie was mated to Fella today and we hope for little Sheltie babies in the end of September !
Chase won freestyle open class today with 154,92 points
!! Well done, Tuuli and Chase !
Tuisku travelled to Denmark and gained two res-CACIBs
and one CACIB from her trip. Lots of thanks to Minna and Erja
for your help in taking Tuisku there and Marianne and Bent helping in Danish end
Ruska and Essi has been to
their health clearances today. Essi had very nice hips that we expect to
return as A, and
Ruska had completely clear elbows and knees, and the best hips I have seen for
the past ten years. Now we just need
to wait for the official results from the Kennel Club !
Saku has shown it within few days how versatile one dog
can be. Just on Sunday he won CC and Best of Breed, and
today he got first prize at his very first working
trial, class 1 search, gaining title HK1. Well done, Jouko and Saku !!!
New picture of Essi - finally.
Congratulations, Saku and Ruska
for your CCs and Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex at Kemijärvi all
championship show today!
We got sad news today. Chess has passed away after short
but tough illness this morning. Our thoughts are with you
and your family, Reijo.
Kirke started her obedience
career with first prize. Well done, Heidi and Kirke !
The very same night also Essi the Sheltie gained her
first first prize in class one obedience. Good job, Katri and Essi !
This weekend has been a great one for agility
On Friday in Kokkola Tiitu started with
outstanding clear round and won her class and got her second leg to class 3 !
Juuso got one fault and was placed 3rd in class 2.
On Saturday in Kangasniemi Windy got two clear
rounds with placings 6 and 4 in class 3 !
In Maaninka Essi the Sheltie got an excellent clear
round and won her class and got her second leg to class 3 !
On Sunday in Maaninka Hippu very nice round
with one fault and was placed 2nd in class 2.
In Kokkola Jojo got 2 faults in class 2, and Tiitu
got 3 faults 3 faults also in class 2.
Juuso got one fault in class 2, and was placed
That has been an outstanding weekend for our agility dogs around the country !
Well done, all of you !!!!
All of our Flai-babies flew into their new homes this
weekend. After long, long consideration, our black and white fluffy furballs
have decided, that they want to bite just these feet and kiss these faces in
the future. Good bye little ones. Hope to see
you soon again ! Have fun in your new lives !!!
Jarre won Best of Breed and dog CC, followed by her
uncle Jouko as second best male, again followed by Jesse
as third
best male and Best Veteran in Breed and reserve CC at Laukaa
Championship show. All three dogs are owned by Minna
I have had some major computer problems this week, and haven´t been able to
update any news. Unfortunately.
In Great Britain Cruise was shown at South Wales
Championship Show last Sunday and he was within last THREE dogs
to be awarded dog CC ! That was a great big win for a dog who is just a puppy
Elke gained today his third first prize in class
three tracking, which qualified him as Working Trial
Champion !
This made our second Working Trial Champion, and first Triple
Champion. Elke is now Working Trial Champion, Nordic
Obedience Champion and International, Finnish and Estonian Conformation Champion.
Congratulations, Heli and Elke,
we are so proud of you !
Panda was Best of Breed at Salo ch
show today ! Well done, Taina, Mauri and Panda !
Congratulations to Hera -babies Flynn,
Eddy, Koda, Bono,
Milo and Kirke now that you turn
2 years !
Gimli got his official hip and
elbow scores today!
New photos of Flynn, Nemo, Micky,
3.7.2006 New photos of Flai - Jouko -babies at 6 weeks !!!
Mikki won first prize at tracking
trial class 3. Well done Reijo and Mikki !
Ruska was Best of Breed at Ylivieska
Ch show , Remy got again another resCC with 2nd best
dog. Mike -son Totti
won dog-CC and Best of Opposite Sex.
Leevi gained place for tomorrows Obedience
Nationals at the team competition today.
Congratulations, and we keep
our fingers crossed tomorrow ! Sinna gained first prize
in class 2.
Kirke passed BH test today !
Well done !
Retku was shown at Gällivare int,
with excellent results: CACIB, BOB and 3rd Best in Group ! Good job !
Excellent job, all of you, Petra & Leevi, Annukka & Sinna, Kirke & Heidi and Miia &
Retku !
Flai -babies at 5 weeks !
Page for Coh -progeny.
CPU gained her third leg in class
2 agility with clear round and class win and will compete now in class 3 !
Well done,
Jari and CPU !!!
Otto was Best of Breed under ultra strict judge at Rovaniemi
international. Congratulations, Arja and Otto !
New photos of Panda and Ruska,
worth looking for !
21.6.2006 New photos of Eero, Möhkö, Jippo and Mike-babies Lennon, Lloyd and Fay.
20.6.2006 Photos of Flai-babies at 4 weeks !
There are show results from the National Show at 11.6.,
full results will be published later on. This weekend at Tuuri Ch
Ch show Otto was Best of Opposite Sex and Mike-daughter Jade
was Best of Breed with CC and Niila won res-CC. On
Sunday at Forssa Ch show Skippy was the only BC who won
excellent and got CC and Best of Breed even though out
of coat.
There are several new photos, I have forgot already many as computer played
up... Jane, Milo,
While so many of our dogs were at the European Winner show, three others were at
the BH test. Pixi, Gimli and Romy
attended test on Saturday in Pori, and all three passed it with excellent
points. Well done, all of you !!!
New photos of Willa, Remy, Rasmus,
Hukka, Isa, Zenith,
Ketku, Zak and Retku
as well as Bugi, Cina and Sökö.
12.6.2006 Photos of Flai -babies at 3 weeks !
European Winner Show in Helsinki. 51 Border Collies
from Italy, Denmark, Russia, Estonia and naturally from Finland.
Junior European Winner was Touho,
European Winners Panda and Fani
and Veteran European Winner Nasta,
and also
sire of some of our kids, Niko. Not a bad day. And all of
the 6 titles went to relatives anyway. Congratulations to Jari and
Riikka, Taina, Mauri and Anna, Maria and Miia ! Well done
6.6.2006 Photos of Flai -babies at 2 weeks of age !
THANK YOU everyone for attending the 4th Pikkupaimenen
Family Reunion !!! I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.
Thank you for everyone who had seen the trouble in organizing the weekend. I am
sure we all are grateful for them as we
we were able to enjoy with our dogs, train tracking, search, obedience and many,
many other things. I was so proud to see
dozens of happy and social BCs playing together in the fields of wildflowers.
There will soon be photos from the Reunion !
New pics of Laku and Saku !
Rölli got his 6th clear round in agility class 3 on
Saturday and 7th clear round on Sunday and is now qualified
for Nationals !
Juuso got clear round in agility class 2 and won his
class on Sunday gaining his first leg to class 3 !
Elmo got 283,5 points in obedience class 4 and won his
class !
Elwood outstanding points from character test !
Hippu attended an international dog show in Tallinn,
Estonia. She was the only BC to get excellent under an Australian judge.
She is now Estonian Champion and Baltic Winner -06 !
Well done, all of you ! Congratulations to Pertti, Satu, Anne, Teemu, Mira &
Minna ! @------>-------
2.6.2006 We are leaving for Family Reunion for the weekend !!! Happy weekend for everyone !!!
1.6.2006 Flai -babies pictured 1 week old !!!
Ella the Sheltie has so far excelled in agility, but
today she gained first prize in class 1 obedience AND title TK1 !! Well
done Katri and Ella !!!!
Laku got his qualifying CC and gained his Finnish
Championship at Järvenpää Ch show today ! Good job, Saija and Laku !
Robin got his first CC in Piikkiö Ch
show, Panda
and Skippy were 2nd best dog and bitch.
Congratulations, Sanna, Taina
and Piia !
Iitu got her second clear round in agility and second leg
to class 2 ! Well done, Nina and Iitu !!!
Cruise won Best Puppy in Show at Scottish Border Collie
Club show !!!! Congratulations to Heather and Cruise !!!!
In Finland we have also some excellent show news. At Tampere Ch show Otto,
Panda and Ketku were 3 best dogs
Ketku got dog CC, and Fani was 3rd best bitch. I don´t
only want to congratulate the owners but also thank them for showing
their dogs to be the Best Breeders Group in Breed. Also in Joensuu all breeds Ch
show Neppu got her first CC and won
Best of Breed and Jesse won his first CC and Best of
Opposite Sex and Best Veteran in Breed !!! Well done, all of you, and
congratulations to Arja, Taina, Mauri, Rita, Maria, Minna and Tiina and all the
others for the outstanding weekend !
Jojo, Touho and Remy
had an excellent show weekend ! Touho got his 2nd CC
and Best of Opposite Sex, Remy res-CC
and 2nd best dog, and Jojo won Best of Breed and 2nd Best
Veteran in Show !!! Well done Jari 2 x, Riikka & Satu !
New pictures of Pixi !
23.5.2006 First picture of the Flai - Jouko -babies !!!!
Flai - Jouko -babies are born !!! 3 boys and 2 girls
were born tonight, and Mum and Babies are doing very well !!!
First pictures will be published as soon as we have got enough energy to do
something else but smile...
Willa gained JK1 at her first tracking trial ever
Ella the Sheltie gained first prize in class 1 obedience.
Outstanding results at agility. Rölli gained his 5th
clear round in agility, and needs now just two more to be eligible to
compete at the Finnish Nationals ! Jojo, who just
yesterday won Best Veteran in Show, got clear round in class 1 agility
and got her last leg to get in to glass two ! Her time was still almost 16 sec
under the ideal time, so our veteran is in hard
condition and hopefully will compete many years still ! Retku
got two excellent rounds with just one fault, so the perfect
round is just about there..
At Aptus all breeds championship show Frodo, son of
Jouko from Scotland won Best of Breed, and Hippu
was Best of
Opposite Sex. Both of them got also CACIB, Frodo his first, Hippu her fourth !
WELL DONE to all of you !!! We are SO proud of you all !!!! Team Pikkupaimenen
has once again been extramely active
that has caused excellent results
Neppu passed BH test today
at the first try with flying colours ! Well done, Tiina & Neppu !!
At Sysmä Ch show Jojo won Best
of Breed and Best Veteran of Breed and finally she won Best
Veteran in Show @----->----
Touho got dog CC and Best of Opposite Sex ! We can´t
really blame him being beaten by Jojo who has been Finnish
Winner 4 times and reserve once after entering 5 times altogether.. But Touho is
now 4th of Tuisku´s litter who has
CC at the first ever show entered. This is just too good to be true.
Congratulations, Riikka, Jari, Jojo and Touho
Tuisku-kids keep doing it again. This time Nero went to
his first ever official show, and won his first CC and
Best of Breed
under breed specialist judge. He is also 9,5 months of age, just 2 weeks over
the youngest possible age to compete of CC.
There is also new pictures of Nero. Well done, Mirja and Nero ! 2nd best dog was
Rölli, who also got res-CC.
Rölli had two excellent agility
rounds today in Riihimäki ! Clear round in maxi 3 and clear round in maxi 3
jumping ! What
a day ! Congratulations, Pertti & Rölli !
Some exciting show news :-) At Oulu all breeds
championship show Saku was Best of Breed with dog CC and Ruska
bitch CC and was Best of Opposite Sex at her very first official show at 9,5
months! Micky got resCC in dogs and was 2nd
best in dogs and Hippu was 4th best in bitches. We also
had Best Breeders Group in Breed. Congratulations all of you !
At Parainen CC show Pixi got dog CC and Best of Opposite
Sex at his very first show ! Well done all of you !!!
Saku gained his BH title
today ! Congratulations, Jouko and Saku !
New health result. Nears received his official elbow
score today: 0/0 .
Leevi gained his OBEDIENCE
CHAMPIONSHIP today !!!!! That makes him out 10th obedience
champion and 10th dual
champion and me one incredible proud breeder ! Thank you Petra and Leevi for
this wonderful achievement that would make
anyone proud !
Tootsie got clear round in maxi
3 jumping, which means that she needs one more clear round to be qualified
for the Nationals.
Good job, Janne & Tootsie !
Elke had his first track
for this year. Not quite the qualifying one yet, but the first JK3 though. Well
done, Heli & Elke !
At Suonenjoki CC show Jawa had an excellent show with his
sixth and crowning CC, Best of Breed and 2nd Best in Group!
Congratulations to Lea and Jawa ! We had also some really nice placements there, as you can see
from the show results.
CPU got clear round in class
2 agility with first prize and got second leg towards class 3!!! Well done
Jari and CPU !
Iitu had her first ever agility
trial and she got clear round and first leg towards class 2 !! In the same
trial Panda had an excellent
round with just one fault ! Excellent job, Iitu & Nina and Panda & Mauri
Whizz was shown in an international
show in Denmark and was Best Veteran in Breed, Best of Breed and 3rd Best
in Group ! Thank you for the news, Johanna ! Whizz hasn´t been in the show ring
for a while, obviously she hasn´t lost it yet !
Frodo gained his Finnish Championship today by passing
character test ! Congratulations!
Tootsie gained clear round and won class
3 in agility today ! One more win & show result and she will be agility
champion !
Well done, Janne and Tootsie !!!!
Nemo passed his BH test
today with flying colours. Excellent job, Päivi & Nemo !
Meghann gained clear round in class
3 agility and got 2nd leg out of 4 required for Danish Nationals.
Congratulations, Marianne
and Meghann !
Retku had again one excellent round in agility
class 1, just one fault! Not bad, Miia and Retku. This was your second
Lieksa championship show was the first official show
for Tuisku´s son Jarre, who started it with style. At
the age of 9 months
and 2 days he got his first CC and Best of Breed, won Best in Group and 3rd Best
in Show ! At the same show Hippu was
Best Opposite Sex of Breed, and our breeders group was Best Breeders Group in
Breed and Best Group in Show !
At Parikkala CC show Ronja got res-CC from Elena
At Vaasa CC show Ketku got res-CC from John Rowles,
26.4.2006 Bugi got her official health results: hips A/A and elbows 0/0.
Hipsu left today for her long trip towards her new home in Australia. She was
very brave at the airport wanting to greet
everybody and going herself to her crate. When she realised the crate was
locked, she looked a bit sad, but settled down
soon. We wish all the best to you, Hipsu. You will never be forgotten here at
home. Millions of thanks to Minna and my
parents for looking after Hipsu.
Isa got her official health results today - hip score A/A
and elbow score 0/0 !
Niila attended her first obedience
trial, and got first prize and got up to class 2 ! Congratulations, Riikka
and Niila !
What a litter this is! All pups have performance results and they share a whole
lot of show results too, and they are only
just over 18 months old @----->-------
There was also Lahti international show today. We did
have a great day. Juuso won Best of Breed, Fani
Best of Opposite
Sex. Both of them got also CACIB. Onni got Best Veteran
of Breed, and Onni and Tuisku got res-CACIB. Remy
won his
first CC and Riffi got res-CC. Altogether we got Best
dog and best bitch 1st, 2nd and 4th and also 3rd of both sexes were
kids or grandkids of our dogs. We also won best Breeders Group in Breed. Thank
You everyone who made this possible !
Otto passed character test
today with excllent points ! Well done, Arja & Otto !
Ronja passed BH test today !
Congratulations, Tuire & Ronja !
Neppu gained first prize at the obedience
class 1. Congratulations to you too, Tiina and Neppu !
At Lappeenranta international show we had just 3
representatives, but they did very well: Rölli won CC,
CACIB and Best of
Breed, Tuisku won CACIB and Best of Opposite Sex and Onni
was Best Veteran of Breed. Well done, all of you !
Essi and Ella the Shelties gained
clear rounds in agility jumping class 2 today in Helsinki. Congratulations,
Katri and girls !!!
Retku continued her excellent job in Rovaniemi, and did
round with one fault again. Good job, Miia and Retku !
Hippu got clear round and won her first trial ever in class
2 agility, and got her first leg to class 3 !!! Good on You !!!!!
At the very same trial Retku started her career as an agility
dog, and got two rounds with just one fault both times! Excellent
job ! Well done, Minna and Hippu & Miia and Retku, we are so proud of you
Supo got first prize in her very first class
2 obedience trial, and will continue in class 3 next time ! You two are
we sure will hear from you two in the future, Outi and Supo. The whole litter
is excelling in all fields, and they are hardly
18 months of age !
Ronja was character tested
today, and when looking at the points, I couldn´t be more pleased with the
final result. Thank you,
Tuire and Ronja, well done.
And have a happy 6th Birthday, Meghann, Hera,
Toto and Twist !
Hippu got clear round in agility
today with excellent time and won class 1 ! She was moved up to class 2 now !
Well done,
Minna and Hippu !!!!!
Sinna and Pixi excelled at
obedience trials in Turku ! Sinna got first prize in class 2, and Pixi got
first prize at his very first
trial ever. Congratulations, Annukka and Elina !
New picture of Isa ! New photos of Willa
also. New pictures of Remy! Thank you, Satu,
Ella, Kaisa and Marjo !
9.4.2006 Willa passed character test today with excellent points. Good on you, Satu and Willa. You won´t get pups with a tough guy..
8.4.2006 Eddy passed BH test today !! Well done Satu and Eddy !!!
6.4.2006 Congratulations, Rontti, Jesse, Cina and Whizz on your 10th birthday !!!!! Nobody would believe that you are more than 4...
Remy got his official health
results today ! Hip score A/A, elbow score 0/0, knees 0/0 ! GREAT NEWS !!!
New pictures of Ruska, 8 months ! Thank you Katja !
We will order again team Pikkupaimenen T-shirts.
If you want to get one too, have a look at the order page and let me
know what you want.
2.4.2006 Alma passed character test today ! Congratulations, Anita and Alma !!
Flai passed her BH test today
with flying colours ! Well done Riikka and Flai !
Jarre and Hippu visited a dog
show at Polvijärvi today, Jarre winning Best Puppy in Breed at his first
show, and Hippu
getting Best of Breed. Well done Jarre, Hippu, Minna & Minna !
PRESS STOP ! Hippu was 3rd Best in Group at Polvijärvi ! Good on you !!!
Well over week ago we got great news from Tootsie, but somehow these slipped
from the news. I am sorry about that,
as the news were certainly worth telling! Tootsie got
another clear round in class 3 agility , 2nd this
year and 4th for
the Finnish Nationals this year, three more to go to be qualified! Way to go,
Janne and Tootsie !!!
25.3.2006 Neppu attended her first obedience trial today and got first prize in class one right away! Well done, Tiina and Neppu !
23.3.2006 New photos of Tara .
Kirke got her hip and elbow
results, and they couldn´t have been better: hips A/A, elbows 0/0 ! So far
the whole litter
has got clear results, only two more out of 6 to go out of this litter of
Nears and Hera !
Essi the Sheltie gained clear round in class
1 agility and was transferred up to class 2 ! Excellent job, Katri and Essi
Jouko mated Flai for the second time today. They were
tied two days ago for 25 minutes, and today for 40 minutes, so
it looks like the timing is rights. Flai is maiden bitch, and was still very
eager to do this.
Tampere international dog show. Ruska
was Best Puppy in Breed out of 7 puppies. Juuso won Best
of Breed out of 54
Border Collies under Mrs Karina LaMare from GB. Onni won
Best Veteran in Breed. Remy and Riffi
won their classes.
Juuso, Otto, Fani and Riffi won
Best Breeders Group in Breed. Panda and Tuisku
got excellent in hard competition.
Isa and Ketku got very good with
pleasing critiques. Thank you, Katja, Satu, Jari, Anu, Piia, Kari, Arja, Maria,
Mauri, Marjo, Rita, Ella, Riitta, Kaisa, Minna and Minna !
Elke won class 2 agility
with clear round and got his ticket to class 3 today in Turku. Congratulations,
Heli and Elke !
Supo gained first prize in class
1 obedience, and can start to compete in class 2. Well done Outi and Supo !!
New photo of Touho at 7 months !
8.3.2006 New photos of Zip - Coh -babies at 6 weeks !
3.3.2005 New photos of Zip-Coh -babies at 5 weeks. New photo of Ruska at 7 months.
Micky gained excellent points in open class obedience
today and won the class ! Well done Micky and Petra ! Next time
in class 3 !
New pictures of Zip-babys !
22.2.2006 More health results. Hip and elbow scores for Möhkö and Koda !
Supo got her health results
today. Hip score B/B and elbows 0/0. Excellent ! All of Jojo-babies have clear
joints, and first
litter from Coh is all clear. This is good way to continue.
18.2.2006 Hipsu won CC at her first official show in Tornio today ! Well done Minna and Hipsu !
Tootsie got clear round in agility
class 3 today in Tampere! Well done, Janne and Tootsie !
Ella the Sheltie has started her season two days ago, and
after a careful thought, we have decided to mate her. There will
be information about this litter at breeding plans
page in the near future.
Leevi gained first prize in class
4 obedience today ! This was his second trial in class 4 and second time
he got first prize.
One more first prize and we have new Obedience Trial Champion ! Way to go,
Petra and Leevi !
Juuso gained first prize in class
1 obedience with outstanding points and class win. Fantastic, Satu &
Juuso !
Fani will represend us tonight at Champion of Champions
gala as the only Border Collie that has been invited into that
special occasion where are all the top winning show dogs from the country. It
is real honour for Fani to be invited, whose main
interests are however performance activities, mainly obedience and
We got great news also from Denmark, where Meghann
gained her third CC and is now Obedience and Show
Champion !
Congratulations to family Blom Larsen & Meghann !
8.2.2006 New pictures of Zip-Coh -babies at 2 weeks of age !!
New health results ! Sinna, Neppu,
Jane and Ketku got their hip
and elbow scores: A, A, A and B hips, and 0/0 elbows !
Congratulations to all of you fellows !!! It will take a while before Hipsu gets
her score from Australia, as it takes about one
week before the x-rays reach the destination.
2.2.2006 New pictures of Zip-Coh -babies !
Fani and Ella the Sheltie got
clear round in agility at Åland islands today
! That was first one for Fani and Ella changed
class from mini 1 to mini 2. Excellent job, Fani & Maria and Ella &
Katri !!!
First picture of Zip and her babies.
26.1.2006 Coh left today. Our big teddy bear and powerhouse. We will miss you always. Thank you Coh, thank you Lauren.
25.1.2006 Jojo turned 8 years today. Congratulations to our new "veteran" !!!
24.1.2006 Zip and Coh got 5 beautiful, strong and healthy babies. 2 girls and 3 boys. Pictures will be added soon !
22.1.2006 Ronja attended an obendience trial today. She had a really good trial, and missed first prize just with 0,5 points.
Windy did excellent round in agility
today in Kemi ! Well done, Mimmu and Windy !
At Turku international show Panda,
Fani and Alma did really well.
Special congratulations to Panda for winning Best dog
and Best of Opposite Sex with CACIB !!
New health results. Zip, Mike, Tuisku
and Ronja were DNA tested for CL, and the results
arrived today, and all of them
were CLEAR.
Happy First Birthday to Hippu´s litter ! Hipsu,
Sinna, Jane, Neppu,
Eero, Ketku and Möhkö
celebrated their first year with
their new families. Sinna had a special reason for celebration. She got first
prize in class 1 obedience, and she is
allowed to compete in class 2 obedience ! Well done Annukka and Sinna !
Time flies. We have started a new year again.
Elke got first prize in class 4 obedience
Kajaani international trial with excellent points.
Today at Kajaani
international show Kalli won everything at the age
of 10 years, being Best of Breed and Best Veteran of
Breed, and Retku
was 2nd best bitch winning bitch CC and CACIB. Someone
once said that coloured dogs won´t win.
They will, if they just are as good as
the best black ones :-) Well done Miia and girls.
We also got Best Breeders Group
when Koda and Neppu
were added. Thank you all of the participants !
1.1.2006 Happy New Year to all of our friends !!
23.12.2005 Official hip and elbow scores of Eddy arrived today; clear of both ends !
22.12.2005 Zip was ultra scanned today, and now it is more than a guess, we will have a litter of Border babies in the end of January.
After two weeks at the hospital, there was a weekend of two big
shows; Finnish
Winner -05 show and Nordic Winner -05
show. On Saturday 17th FinW-05 in males and FinJW-05 in both sexes were Mike´s
kids, and today at NordJW-05 were
were both our future hopes ! Well done Ketku and Retku
! Well done also Otto, who gained CACIB, and will
International Champional with this win ! Thank you every one being part of the
succesful weekend !
23.10.2005 Niila won Best of Breed at Seinäjoki Ch show on sunday, and Breeders Group was Best Breeders Group.
22.10.2005 Hippu won Seinäjoki Ch show Group 3 today! Thank you Minna and Thank also for Breeders Group.
21.10.2005 Flynn by Hera and Nears received his hip score today, and his score is A, excellent result !
Flai got first prize and Tuisku
entered her first ever obedience trial after
training less than 5 times before her litter and
the same number of times after her litter with my friend and failed jus tiny bit
because of her extra eagerness ;-) .
Excellent job Riikka & Flai and Marjo & Tuisku. I heard that both dogs
enjoyed working a lot.
Jimmy did great job in search
class 3 missing first prize just with 2 points, which is outstanding result.
Well done,
Johanna & Jimmy !
Two new health results: litter sisters Niila & Retku
has got hip score A/A, elbow score 0/0 and genetically clear eyes !
They are out of Multi Ch Borderfame Talk Oth Town and Multi Ch Nahrof the
Cohort TD. Both girls are also CC winners.
Källi was entered at Oulu international
show, as she had just turned 10 years and can enter free of charge. Only
she can not compete of is CACIB as that is not allowed in veteran class. Well,
everything else she got. Best bitch, Best of
Breed and Best Veteran of Breed. Congratulations of Miia and Källi !!!
Elmo won first place in class 4 in obedience,
and gained title TK4 ! ! ! There is no words to say
to you, Anne and Elmo ,
we are so proud of you two !
Ella the Sheltie got in obedience first prize in Kerava !
Well done Katri and Ella !!!
Otto gained his first tracking
title after his first trial. Congratulations, Arja & Otto !!!
Sisu got his official health results: hip score A/A and
elbow score 0/0.
Leevi started his career in class 4 obedience
with outstanding points and first prize, winning the district championship at
the same trial. Micky started his obedience career with
excellent first prize in class 1 at the same trial. Outstanding
work, Petra, Leevi and Micky, we are so proud of you !!!!
Essi the Sheltie excelled in agility
today in Helsinki. Clear round in agility and in jumping, second in agility and
the jumping round. Well done, Katri and Essi !!!
At Tampere puppy show Ketku won the Best Puppy in Group in
Show. Well done Rita and Ketku !!
Elke visited in Denmark and gained first prize in elit
class obedience. With that he got he gained
both Danish and Nordic
Obedience championship !!! HURRAA HELI AND ELKE !!!!!!!!
Koda gained the same day CC in junior class at Siilinjärvi
CC show. Congratulations, Susanna& Koda.
pictures of the Tuisku-Coh
-babies are 7 weeks old today !!!
Elmo gained second time his first price in obedience
class 4 in Kellokoski !!! Congratulations Anne & Elmo !!!!
Chase gained in obedience class 1 title TK1 in Turku.
Well done Tuuli and Chase.
Alma gained her first CC in Porvoo after numerous
res-CC`s. Anita and Alma.
Nasta has made history in our PP team, but surely she is
not the last one to do that. Late this night Nasta and Miia
passed basic herding test, that allowes Border Collies with neccessary
show results to gain International
Championship for her.
6.9.2005 Chase gained first prize in obedience class 1. Well done Tuuli and Chase.
28.8.2005 Elmo gained first prize in obedience class 4 and was placed 3rd. Excellent job Anne and Elmo !
Onni visited Tallinn int show
and was Best of Breed, 4rd in Group and he is now Estonian Champion. Well done
Anu and
Ketku started well his puppy show career, and Niila
as a junior and Elke did well at Hämeenlinna
int show. Congratulations
Rita & Ketku, Riikka & Niila and Heli & Elke.
Otto got his first obedience title TK1 today in in
Vääksy, after gaining his third first prize in obedience class 1.
Now he can concentrate in his "own" favourite, tracking.Well done,
Arja and Otto.
Tootsie gained the first clear round with first
place in class 3. Two more, and show result, she will be Agility Champion.
Jojo competed in Pirkkala in class 1, where she got her
second clear round. Well done, Jari and Jojo.
First pictures of Tuisku´s babies now at 3 weeks, and
story of the parents (both in finnish so far).
Also our latest import, Tara, from USA, daughter of
Twist, earlier this week from his litterbrother Kess.
17.8.2005 Willa passed the BH test today. Congratulations, Satu & Willa !
Hera passed AD test today in Pietarsaari. Well done,
Hera and Toni !!
Tiitu won class one with clear round in Vääksy, and
earned her place in class in class in class two. Congratulation
Ilona and Tiitu for your your multi talented skills ! ! !
Panda won first prize in working trials class 1 in relay
VK1 !!! Well done, Taina, Mauri and Panda !!!!!
Elke won first prize in working trials class 3 in
tracking JK3 !!! One more next year, and Elke is
Working Trial Champion !
Congratulations, Heli & Elke !
Otto visited cross the sea, Vilna, Lithuania at Baltic
Winner 2005 -show, and won Best of Breed and the title.
Good on you, Arja and Otto !!
27.7.2005 Our babies are born !!!!! Tuisku got 4 boys and one girl today, both mother and babies are well.
Isa arrived from Scotland, and dozens of wonderful things
things has happened within the past month. Leevi won
obedience trial class 3 in Finnish Nationals. Retku was
placed 2nd best in Group at Rovaniemi all breeds just after. Fani
was Best of Opposite Sex at Border Collie National and plenty of wonderful news.
Leevi attended Finnish National
Obedience Trial team competitions in class 3, and he won the class out of
35 entries !!!
Congratulations of this incredible result, Petra and Leevi.
Otto won Best of Breed and both Koda
and Retku gained their CC´s from Saarijärvi all
breed Ch shows.
Well done Arja & Otto and Susanna & Koda and especially Miia and just
over nine-month-old Retku.
Three more new DNA results: Mikki, Otto
and Jouko, all three of them Normal.
And finally the last result: Skippy is Normal too !!!
14.6.2005 Three new DNA results from CEA: Jojo, Jeeves and Ziggy, all of them are Normal. Only few more missing.
Milo and Willa won Best of Breed
and Best of Opposite Breed in Närpiö all breed ch show.
At Porvoo CC show Onni was Best
of Breed and Zinni got her first CC and from a junior show with excellent
Congratulations, Anu & Onni and Minna &
Jouko excelled today in tracking
by gaining his first tracking title. Excellent job, Minna and Jouko.
Windy 10 years did a clear round in agility
class 3 in Mikkeli. Well done, our senior team Windy and not so senior Mimmu.
7.6.2005 So far DNA results from Zip, Coh, Nears, Tuisku, Hippu, Nasta and Hera are Normal, and Ronja and Panda carriers.
5.6.2005 Fani and Juuso visited at Tervakoski show, results being just excellent. Fani crowned the day by 3rd in Group ! !
4.6.2005 Nasta did clear round in Oulu in agility class 3. Aging seems to make her better too..
1.6.2005 Tuisku had her repeat mating today.
Tuisku was mated today with Coh.
More information soon from Tuisku the Wild Child and Coh the Wonderman. Anyone
is more than interesting to come and meet them. Their pups are NOT suitable as
pets only. Come and see yourself why.
Jimmy won class 4 in obedience
in Kangasala with excellent points.
Juuso won class 1 in Janakkala with clear round in agility with outstanding
time. Well done, Satu and Juuso.
Juuso and Ronja had their very
first visits at their obedience trials ever
tonight tonight with excellent results: Juuso winning
his class and Ronja getting a clear first prize too. Well done, all of you, Juuso and Satu & Ronja and Tuire.
In Leppävirta all breeds ch show Flai
and Iippo also excelled by gaining both CCs and Best
of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex.
This CC gave Iippo also his championship, as he visited charactertest 2 days
before he was too old for that ;-)
Jade gained the 1st prize in class 3 in obedience
yesterday !!! Well done Hanna and Jade !!!
Mike arrived home after long, long wait from Kent and
Scotland, where he left behind some promising litters and visited Crufts.
Elke gained last Sunday a new title AD, how well they
take long distances and can work after that. The test consisted of
of 20 kilometers of running by bike and a short obedience section. To our
knowledge Elke is the first Border Collie to gain
AD title.
There are new photos of Retku, Bono,
Luca, Taiga, Micky,
Tuisku, Jouko and Jojo
were entered to Helsinki international show. Also
Mike´s daughter Zinni was there at puppy class,
but she is bred by someone else. No other of our dogs had been entered this, but
I think they did well enough, considering,
that most of our dogs are out of coat and concentrating in performance
Otto got BH title today.
Three trials within within one day. Well done Arja and Otto !
Taiga, Luca and Micky
got their hip scores back !
Otto continued his career in obedience.
First prize in class 1 with class win, and next time it will be title :-) We are
of you two, Arja and Otto !
Otto started his career in obedience
with style. Congratulations, Arja and Otto !
Nears, Flai and Tuisku
did very well at Jyväskylä CC show today. Altogether
Jeeves-kids as well as Nears-kids excelled
this weekend. Good on you !
Panda gained first prize in class 2 obedience
and won his class. Congratulations Taina and Panda ! Next time in class 3 !
Jouko won in jumping
class 2 with clear round and has now his first leg for class 3. Great job, Minna
and Jouko !
Some of our youngsters has been hip scored with excellent results. The official
scores have returned only from Nemo and
Saku, and we are still waiting for the final scores of Taiga,
Luca, Micky and Jawa
the import.
Fani, Juuso and Cina
excelled in Tallinna international Estonian Winner 2005 show today, two first
gaining CCs, CACIBs
and EstW-05 titles. Well done, all of you !
Vida gained CC today at Raisio CC show. Congratulations, Anna !
11.5.2005 Elmo passed BH test a couple of days ago with excellent result. Well done, Anne & Elmo !
Some outstanding results from the weekend !!!! Elke
gained first prize and title from the class 3 tracking
from their first
try in that class. Well done, Heli and Elke! Do we celebrate a new WT Ch next
Jimmy got first prize in class 4 obedience
in Nokia. At the same trial, Gimli got first prize in
class 2 for the first time.
Congratulations, Johanna and Jimmy as well and Sanna and Gimli. You have done
incredibly job, Sanna, like all of
2.5.2005 Meghann is our new Obedience Trial Champion !!! Congratulations, Marianne and Meghann !!
new pictures of little Skippy-Coh
-babies, almost 6 weeks of age.
Rölli did outstanding round in Mikkeli agility
trial and won his class with very fast clear round. Well done, Rölli and
Pertti !
Juuso excelled at Lahti int show,
where he did very well. Where he did very well. Congratulations, Juuso and Satu.
Meghann has done an outstanding result in obedience
in Denmark and gained obedience title LP3 in her first title in
that class. Congratulations, fantastic result, Meghann and Marianne, you know
how proud we are of you !!!!
There are plenty of new photos at my web pages: Retku, Tuisku,
Jawa, Koda, Junnu,
Chase, Robin, and plenty of
others. I will update little by little also those wonderful action photos that
are so great that I want all of you to see,
but so far haven´t had the possibility to update at my web page. Thank you for
each of them. Little by little, when my
condition will allowe it, they will appear at my web page.
Tootsie did outstanding result in Turku at agility
trial in a huge agility trial last sunday. They got clear round and third
place out of well over 53 entries! Congratulations Janne and Tootsie, you
bet we are proud of you !!!!
Fani passed BH test at this
young age yesterday ! Well done, Maria and Fani ! I think you have got some
in your back pockets??
Tuisku and Jawa visited Mänttä
CC show today. Results couldn´t have been better :-)) . Both gained CC,
and Tuisku
was 3rd best in Group !!!! Not bad for her first show in Finland !!!! Thank
you very much Ana, Lea and Riikka, without
your help that couldn´t have been possible.
Jouko did clear round in agility and was placed
second, and gained his third leg in class 1. So he will compete in class
2 next time he enters to agility trial. Well
done Jouko and Minna!
At Kiuruvesi CC show Otto
received his last CC (=his first CC in open class) and Koda,
who made his debut in the
showring got reserve-CC. Well done, boys and Arja & Susanna ! You people
really make me proud. One weekend at
shows, another weekend at trials, and with the same dogs. Thank you !!!
Hera has passed BH test today. Congratulations to Hera and Virpi !
Retku attended her very first show today, and with style at Oulu all breeds
championship show. She was Best Puppy in
Breed. Well done, Retku and Miia !
new pictures of 4-week-old babies of Skippy and Coh. Have
a look!
Congratulations to Meghann, Hera,
Toto and Twist on their 5th
birthday !
I have had a wonderful week having Ana, owner of Hera´s son Flynn
visiting us from Portugal. There were so much news
from Flynn and Ana´s other dogs, Portugal in general, Ana tought us about her
fabulous skills of grooming and handling
and she and Lea took hundreds of fantastic photos of our dogs. I just wist
Mike had been at home for the grooming and
photos.. Now we had only Tuisku (have a look at her
new pictures) and baby Hipsu
Leevi won the first prize at obedience
class 3 and is now competing in class 4. One more dog competing in class
champions are made :-) Excellent job, Petra and Leevi. I believe it won´t
take long before we can hear some wonderful
news from this class too. You two are always meking us so proud !
6.4.2005 Congratulations to Jesse, Rontti, Whizz and Cina on their 9th birthday !!!!
Mike celebrates his 6th birthday today along with his
littermates Ruuti, Epu, Nala,
Ami, Chiara and Ansa.
Also Mike celebrates his second litter in Great Britain that was born
yesterday, 4 strong and healthy girls whose dam is
Rosara Va Va Voom at Locheil, aka Shirli. We wish all the best for the babies
and their mum.
Tootsie excelled in jumping
yesterday with clear round and was placed 7th out of 55 with clear round in
Also Flynn did well in Portugal by winning Best Puppy
in Breed at his second show. Well done Janne and Ana, too!
Pictures of Skippy-Coh -babies at 2 weeks. There is
also picture pedigree of this litter.
New pictures of Chase.
Skippy-Coh -babies pictured at one week ! Have a look
I had forgot all about Sökö, who started his year in
agility with clear round and third place! Two more, and he will be in
class two. Well done, Tarja and Sökö !
LOTS of new results gained while I was at the hospital. BOY, am I proud of the
owners of our pups!!! They have done
so much and so well !!!! And in all fields of activities ! And so many of them.
I am so incredibly proud of you !!!!
Chase was third in Finnish Championships 2005 ! What a
way to introduce a new hobby to the big audience !
We are so proud of you two, Tuuli and Chase !
Rölli has done a real start in agility
by winning trial after trial when he started it. Well done, Pertti and Rölli !
We have had also got two different dogs excelling in obedience while I was gone,
littermates Fani and Gimli.
Fani has decided to gain the title in obedience,
and Gimli, who despite his difficult start, has found a
wonderful handler
and gained first prize from his very first trial and changed class right away.
You don´t know how proud I am of you,
Maria and Fani and Sanna and Gimli. Sanna, you have saved one dogs life and
happiness. And all of you, other owners,
do the same by making your dogs happy in your own way. Also Frodo
the Jouko son got the title TK1 at the very same trial.
24.3.2005 New picture of Skippy-Coh -babies at 2 days. Some changes at litters -page.
WE HAVE GOT BABIES !!! Skippy and Coh have 3 babies, 2 boys and 1 girl.
Have a look at their info page (sorry,
only in Finnish) and picture pages !!!!!
I have finally returned at home from Helsinki, after two tough but extramely
useful weeks. It has taken the whole week
to recover, but it has all been worth it. Hopefully.
Mike got his results from Optigen today, and Spooky
and Twist while I was gone, all of them had result
normal, so
none of them can produce anything but CEA clear puppies. Great result so far.
I will be at the hospital from 28.2. - 11.3.2003 so I will not answer to any
emails before that.
Whizz has received her OptiGen CEA/CH test result today
and is normal. So she is genetically clear and can only
produce CEA clear puppies.
Skippy has been to ultra scan, and it showed lots of
puppies ! So we are expecting lots of babies in the middle of
March. More information of the combination will be added later.
We have several health results that should have been updated earlier, but they
are still waiting..
Hippu x Nears -babies were eye tested and ALL
Clear eye tests have been done to Zip and Skippy.
Saku was hip and elbow scored
with excellent results and Sketch
is out second OptiGen CEA/CH tested dog. Also his result was normal, he is
genetically clear and can not produce
CEA affected puppies with any mate. GREAT! Congratulations, Joan. It´s great
that our stud dogs are genetically clear.
Let´s hope it continues that way. We keep doing DNA tests for our dogs, but
mainly we do test every puppy before they
leave us at 7 or 8 weeks.
Tootsie got her SECOND clear round in class 3 in agility.
This really is their weekend, and also, they really have learned
a lot during their years of training. You can believe we are more than just
proud of you...
We had 7 wonderful black and white babies out of Hippy by
Nears. And were they beautiful!!! And SO brave and playful
and handsome and handsome and... what else can a proud grandma say. Litter was
very even like all my previous litter
sired by Nears as well by looks and temperament. New pictures will be
published at the pages soon.
Tootsie gained her first clear round in class 3 agility
!!!! Congratulations, Tootsie and Janne !
Leevi entered his first class 3 in obedience
and got excellent points. IF his tail was to another direction, he would have
hot excellent first prize, but as his tail was to the other direction, he got
zero from that part and excellent second.
Sometimes in obedience things can depend on tiny things. Excellent work, Leevi
and Petra. We are proud of you!
New baby photos of Hippu - Nears -babies, who soon will
have their eyes tested and tattooed. They start to show their
characters soon, and we will decide little by little where will be each one´s
final home.
Mike will wait for another girlfriend from Tonkory
kennels next week. Sounds like he is enjoying his holiday...
Flynn continued his show
at Vila France international, Portugal, and the final result of his weekend:
Best Puppy in Show !!
What a kid!! And what a job you have
done with him, Ana. CONCRATULATIONS to Flynn and Ana.
Coh and Nasta travelled today to
Estonia to Tallinna international show. The results
were 2 CCs, 2CACIBs, 2 EST CHs
and Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex. Well done, Coh, Nasta, Marjo and
Miia. There was not much more to gain
as your ferry left before the group competition.
Fani attended her first obedience
trial, and gained right away first prize. Congratulation, Fani and
Maria. That also means
they are attended to compete in class 2 next time. Well done also Stara for the
first prize in class 4 :-)
Flynn attained his very first show
in Vila Franca, Portugal with excellent result: Best Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in
Group !
Zip has been mated to Coh today.
Also, in Scotland Mike has mated Shirli,
Rosara Va Va Voom at Locheil. Lets hope
that both of these matings will produce wonderful progeny as we healthwise, as
performance dogs and in structure.
Junnu received as the first of our dogs the result from
OptiGen, that tests from blood if the dog is genetically clear,
carrier or affected with CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly). The result was:"Genotype
of your dog is Normal. Significance for
for breeding: This dog can be bred to any mate and will produce no pups affected
with CEA/CH." Congratulations,
Heather and Junnu´s first three litters of puppies. As also two of the dams
were tested and normal, that makes those
two large litters genetically clear without eye test, as neither of the parents
have any gene for CEA. One of the dams
also affects here in Finland, as Cher,
GB Sh Ch Locheil Rave Review has got a son here, "Jawa" Locheil Power
and his litter sister "Biba"
Locheil Vanity Fair, who is co-owned by myself and breeder and sired by Jouko.
CPU did very nice result in agility
in Helsinki with Minna.
Elke gained - once again- first prize in class 4 obedience
in Turku with Heli.
Both of them with excellent results, excellent placings, I can´t be anything
but proud of you both !
Jimmy excelled again in obedience
in Hämeenlinna. Well done, Jimmy and Johanna !!!
There was international show in Turku, where Fani
did very well gaining CC and reserve-CACIB, which will change to
CACIB into CACIB in FCI as the CACIB winner already is an international winner.
Also Elke won res-CACIB, and
tomorrow we will keep our fingers crossed for Elke again, as there will be an
important obedience trial at the same
place. Congratulations to boths of you !
The show was great success to Nears kids, as out of 8
placed Border Collies 3 were his puppies, who still are very
young, and already showing their potential in this field. It will be interested
when they are old enough to start their
career in performance arenas.
Congratulations to Maccabee Border Collies, who had an excellent day !
Congratulations, Ella, good job.
Flai gained first prize at her second obedience trial
today with excellent work today in Lahti despite one part of the
test failed totally. They have now right to continue either in class 1 or they
are allowed to move up to class two.
Well done, Riikka and Flai. First Nears babies start to have health, performance
and show results, before the last
ones have hardly hit the ground. At the same trial Jouko´s kid from Scotland, Frodo,
got a first prize in class 1.
New photos of Flai´s half brother Flynn from Portugal.
Thank you Ana, these and dozens of wonderful pics that
I try to add soon. Thank you also thank you for all the others for all the great
photos I have got, part of them already
added, most of them waiting to be updating. One day they will be there... Please
be patient, but THANK YOU !!
CPU run a clear round in agility
today with Minna and was placed 6th today in Kirkkonummi, which was pretty well
done. Congratulation to Minna and Cpu !!!
We got very sad news. Our Wilma the Sheltie had
passed away at age of 13 years. Wilma had an outstanding start for
her show career by winning CC at her first two shows, including Sheltie
National 1992 when she was 9 months old.
Unfortunately she had a car accident only three months later, and was never
able to be shown again due to severe limp
the broken front leg left her. After serious consideration she was however
bred once, at the age of six years, and she
produced one daughter, who gained her championship in three straight shows
each with Best of Breed from specialist
judges continued by fourth BOB with in Group -placement. We feel with you,
family Kosunen. Wilma lives on in her
pictures of Hippu-Nears -babies at 1 week of age.
Skippy was mated today with Coh.
It went pretty well, as they had 50 minute tie ;-) . We will have exceptionally
litters next year as these gents are here for such a short time, and we would
like that their exceptional genes will
be added into our gene pole before they go.
Elke did again an excellent first prize result in
Kirkkonummi obedience trial in a hard trial!
12.1.2005 Pictures of Hippu-Nears -babies !
Tuisku was officially hip and elbow scored as well as
knee tested as soon as she arrived. Today her official results
arrived, and we were more than pleased. Now we just wait for the next eye panel
in our area.
Elmo changed class in obedience
up to class 4 and won his class out of 12 entries with only first prize today !
Way to go, Elmo and Anne! Next time they will be seen in class 4. You can
believe we are proud of this couple !
Elke got first prize in important obedience
trial. We are proud of you, Heli and Elke !
Kajaani international show was held today.
Congratulations to all the winners !
7.1.2005 Hippu has got her babies today!
Hippu has started to drop her temperature, so we expect Hippu-Nears
-litter to be born by tomorrow..
Keep your fingers crossed for as nice litter with as high working ethics as
previous Nears-Cola-grandkids
has been ! X-ray showed us rather large litter :-)
Happy birthday to 3 year old Pola, Samppa,
Täplä, Sökö, Peski
and Nikke and 2-year-old birthday celebrating
Willa, Vicky, Elwood,
Riemu, Laku and Otto.
We also think about Mortti, who lost his life far too
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our friends here and around. Thank you
to all my wonderful friend who have helped
in every way, and made me proud of every member of team Pikkupaimenen. Thank you
also of every other
friend around the world for your for your friendhip and all your help.
31.12.2004 Mike mated Amy, GB Sh Ch Claygar Shake my Booty. Let´s hope for a nice litter.
24.-27.12.2004 Merry Christmas to all of our friends around the world from Sari and Tuisku in Finland and Mike in Great Britain !
Tuisku is finally on her way from USA. Millions of
thanks for Frank, Wendy and Arto in USA, Marianne and Bent in Denmark,
Riikka and Kaisa here in Finland, and Minna travelling between Finland and
Denmark, and so, so many others for your
help. Without you we would not have any chance to have Tuisku here for
Mike has arrived Kent, and will spent there his short
holiday with Karen and spend some quality time with two beautiful
ladies owned by Gary and Karen. Sounds like he will have outstanding time
18.12.2004 Juuso started his obedience career with club trial win in class 1. Well done, Juuso and Satu !!!!
12.12.2004 Nasta had an excellent agility weekend. Not bad, Nasta and Miia.
Once in a life time dog - Cola - a dog who was wisest
of us all, left us today. Behind she left incredible much and a huge
emptyness at the same time. How much can one dog give? More than any words can
express. I love you,