Pedigree of
DOB   21.3.2005

Aust & Fin & Est Ch FinW-04
Nahrof the Cohort TD
Aust Ch Nahrof the Talisman Aust Ch Sheermyst Direct Hit 
Aust Grand Ch Nahrof Formal Affair 
Nahrof Echoes of an Era Aust Ch Ansavon Sono Thor 
Gotrah Celtic Brie CD TDX
Fidelis You´ve Got Mail   Aust Ch Sheermyst Black Magic Aust Ch Lindenbrae Indigo Blue CD
Aust Ch Tuckonie Misty Vapour
Aust Ch Trumagik Tartan Temptress Aust Ch Trumagik Tartan Scott
Aust Ch Trumagik Simply Tempting