Best of Breed, CACIB
World Winner -02
Ch Korella Song of JoyBest of Opposite Sex, CACIB, World Winner -02
Wendevick Zeus Willemres-CACIB
Ch Pikkupaimenen
Cascade Kidres-CACIB
Ch Sequoyahpark
Eye O´the Storm
Puppy class, dogs: (2 entries)
1. very promising Borderbay Scott Edgar
(s.Glentress Satlink d.Sidneyborderbay)
2. promising Agility Joy Quattro
(s.Beagold Red Baron d.Agility Joy Halloween)
Open class, dogs: (16 entries, 2 absent)
1. excellent Pikkupaimenen Spy Catcher
(s.Borderfame Bravo d.Pikkupaimenen Cascade Kid)
2. excellent McFinny Marvellous of Umystery
(s.Altricia Ladll´do d.Home of Boycaras Umystery)
3. excellent Agility Joy McDonald
(s.Rancolie Forever Lucky d.Head Over Heels Agility Joy)
4. excellent Silque Zensation
(s.Caristan Moet Chandon d.Sheltysham Shady Lady)
- excellent Eireann Spot Light
(s.Hemp d.Jess)
- excellent From Bordershome Frodo Kiri´s Last
(s.Corinlea Rory d.Rosehurst Kiri)
- excellent Heartland Yllus
(s.Wendevick Ray d.Cindora Miss Andora at Beagold)
- excellent Heartland Yazou
(s.Jephanil Johnny Scrapper at Beagold d.Vicki)
- excellent Goytre Made in Blue
(s.Grandver Watermark d.Caristan Tear Maria at Goytre)
- excellent Sheltysham Sherpa
(s.Reakasso Ryan d.Sheltysham Shesatease)
- very good Home of Boycaras Call Me Quinten
(s.Altricia Boy d.Home of boycaras truelove)
- very good Kuhaylan´s Australia Red Nikita
(s.Detania Arion d. Zilylad Venus)
- very good From Borders Home Barny
(s.Beagold Justification d.Rosehurst Kiri)
- very good Cinlock Catchword
(s.Millnjazz Modern Mystery of Venron d.Cinlock Catarina)
Junior class, dogs: (20 entries, 7 absent)
1. excellent Gawain´s Sir Percival JWW-02
(s.Clan-Abby NZ-Kiwi-Trekker d.Miraje Magic Love)
2. excellent Tonkory Valley of the Storm
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Tonkory Porirua)
3. excellent Borderline Country Typhoon
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Lionheart Anya at Borderline)
4. excellent Eyes of the World Abracadabra
(s.Beagold Stanalone d.From Borders Home Black Maggy)
- excellent Wendevick Adoniz
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Love Me Too at Clan-Abby)
- excellent Allymoon Ryan
(s.Silque Zensation d.Duelune)
- excellent Elton Go Go from Carolyn´s Home
(s.Dekdays Shep d.Hilcristin Magic)
- excellent Beesting Shadrack
(s.Caristan Coming Storm d.Beesting Cherry)
- excellent Torobeam Bush Ranger
(s.Bordarita Thats Life d.Torobeam Gintwist)
- excellent Eyes of the World Alistair
(s.Beagold Stanalone d.From Borders Home Black Maggy)
- very good Kuhaylan´s Australia Joke N Joy
(s.Tausterne Sam d.Kuhaylan´s Australia Red hope)
- very good Bluey
(s.Altricia Blue Legacy d.Lynn)
- good Daddledoo Danger Jumping Jack
(s.Home of Boycaras Viamerc d.Daddledoo Pameghan)
Intermediate class, dogs: (6 entries)
1. excellent Wendevick Zeus Willem World Winner -02, CACIB, BOS
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Wendevick Xanadu)
2. excellent Cinlock Catchin The "I"
(s.Fragglerock Tartan Ross of Cinlock d.Wizaland Sewing Susan at Cinlock)
3. excellent Heartland Zypo
(s.Wendevick Ray d.Vicki)
4. excellent Evening Sky v. Mauritius
(s.Wizaland Spezial Edition d.Mobella Just a Dream)
- excellent Korella Fire Illusion
(s.Korella Fire N Ice d.Korella Justan Illusion)
- very good Europa of Forestry Farm
(s.Caristan Loves Edition d.Jephanil Kamella)
Champion class, dogs: (7 entries)
1. excellent Sequoyahpark Eye O´the Storm res-CACIB
(s.Borderfame Perths Glory d.Korella Royal Cascade)
2. excellent Beagold Mr Lennox
(s.Beagold Zac the Justifier d.Beagold Annita)
3. excellent Borderlove Strongbow
(s.Borderfame Perths Glory d.Pikkupaimenen Carambola)
4. excellent Wendevick Xplorer
(s.Beagold Mr Lennox d.Mobella Team Spirit at Tonkory)
- excellent Home of Boycaras Xitingwish
(s.Altricia Ladll´Do d.Home of Boycaras Special)
- very good Altricia Klint
(s.Altricia Kev d.Altricia Look Alike)
- very good Belfastbogside de Fieschi
(s.Eyko O v.d. Drei Eichen d.Alba di Cambiano)
Puppy class, bitches: (3 entries)
1. very promising Agility Joy Pepsi Cola Best Puppy in Breed
(s.Silque Zensation d.Head over Heels Agility Joy)
2. very promising Betsabeajocasta of Spirit´s Dog
(s.Cindora Don Jose at Beagold d.Project Brainstorm Black is Beautiful)
3. very promising Borderbay Sele´s Double Take
(s.Glentress Satlink d.Sidneyborderbay)
Veteran class, bitches: (1 entry)
1. excellent Wendevick Sweetshela
(s.Beagold Justification d.Meiken Fascination)
Open class, bitches: (18 entries, 8 absent)
1. excellent Eyes of the World Zarimarein
(s.Clan-Abby Silver Kiwi at Beagold d.From Borders Home Black Maggy)
2. excellent Vicky
(s.Krislyn Bomber at Beagold d.Wendevick Risk)
3. excellent Cleopatra of Forestry Farm
(Wendevick Ray d.Jephanil Kamella)
4. excellent Lionheart Anya at Borderline
(s.Dykebar Reach for Glory d.From Borders Home a Magic Heart)
- excellent Sidneyborderbay
(s.Nahrof mi Piace d.Midnightstar)
- excellent Silque Zinia
(s.Caristan moet Chandon d.Sheltysham Shady Lady)
- excellent Pikkupaimenen Shirley Temple
(s.Borderfame Bravo d.Pikkupaimenen Cascade Kid)
- excellent From Borders Home Hello Ginger
(s.Corinlea Rory d.From Borders Home Braxas Dutch Beauty)
- very good Quellyane Yrradiance
(s.Sheltysham Spendlove d.Silque Velvet)
- very good Ashley Charming Lady of Green Borderline
(s.Anthony of Pinewood Country d.Downland Beverly)
Junior class, bitches: (22 entries, 4 absent)
1. excellent Wendewick Artdeco JWW-02
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Mobella Team Spirit at Tonkory)
2. excellent Tonkory Wildflower
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Tonkory Ruba)
3. excellent Wendewick A. Lightning
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Borderfame Foreign Affair)
4. excellent Blanca Borderbay
(s.Nahrof Mi Piace d. Redbetty Borderbay)
- excellent Quellyane Angel Eyes
(s.Sheltysham Sherpa d.Quellyanne Yrradiance)
- excellent Eyes of the World Adorable
(s.Beagold Stanalone d.From Borders Home Black Maggy)
- excellent Chandra Mani Jewel of the Easter
(s.Altricia Blue Legacy d.Luna Jewel of the Easter)
- excellent Sequoyahpark Hold That Dream
(s.Glentress Satlink d.Korella Royal Cascade)
- excellent Bekkis Yldanah Flain
(s.Bekkis Kitemark d.Bekkis Twilight)
- excellent Rhonabwy Awsome Lady
(s.Borderfame Awsome Force d.Rhonabwy Sunshine Annie)
- very good Treverley Maceygray
(s.Merrybrook Moriaty d.Treverley Breear)
- very good Spirito
(s.Malcolm Borderbay d.Glentora Magical Reaction)
- very good Eyes of the World AliMcBeal
(s.Beagold Stanalone d.From Borders Home Black Maggy)
- very good Dutchfields Crispy Cookie
(s.Brice d.Hope)
- very good Allo its Me Willowtree
(s.Bawntawn Dressed Inblak d.Tullacrest Midnyt Magic)
- very good Kayleigh of Wild Kingdom
(s.Jimmy d.Joy)
- very good Illusion Il Queen of Escalony
(s.Cinlock Catchword d.Midnight Fame of Skuddenhof)
- very good Ginger Il Queen of Escalony
(s.Big v. Hamels hof d.Elfi v. Hamels hof)
Intermediate class, bitches: (6 entries, 2 absent)
1. excellent Heartland Zita
(s.Wendevick Ray d.Cindora Miss Andora at Beagold)
2. very good Heartland Zealot
(s.Wendevick Ray d. Vicki)
3. very good Wendewick Zizitop
(s.Borderfame Heart N Soul d.Wendevick Xanadu)
4. very good Eireann Flying Finn
(s.Roy d.Mist)
Champion class, bitches: (6 entries)
1. excellent Korella Song of Joy World Winner -02, CACIB, BOB
(s.Minimbah Hot Lyric d.Tullacrest Klasified too)![]()
2. excellent Pikkupaimenen Cascade Kid res-CACIB
(s.Minimbah Hot Lyric d.Borderfame Sheer Delight)
3. excellent Lionheart Amy
(s.Dykebar Reach for Glory e.Bordershome a Magic Heart)
4. excellent Tullacrest Midnyt Magic
(s.Moystonhill Midnight Sun d.Tullacrest Penthouse Pet)
- excellent Heartland Yazzie
(s.Wendevick Ray d.Cindora Miss Andora at Beagold)
- excellent Wendewick Xena
(s.Corinlea Rory d.Silque Universe)
Thank You for the results
and pictures,
Danielle Boshouwers !!